Monday, November 10, 2008

Ten Fashion NO NO's (for men and women)

1)Dress pants and running shoes
2) White pants that zip up in the back
3) Army pants with a belly top
4) Sandals with unpainted toe nails
5) A white shirt with a black bra
5) Knee high boots with a "chunky"heel
6) Baseball hats and dress shirts
7) Tear away pants (only acceptable when sports related)
8) White socks and dress pants
9) Mini skirts that slit on the side
10) Anything you are not confident wearing!!!!!!


Unknown said...

So many men (sorry to hate) always break rule #1. I get super annoyed when people have a nice outfit on then they are wearing running shoes! Like why? Thank you for pointing out the fashion No No's I really hope people get a clue!
Love Ms. Blonde

Anonymous said...

Well, if you are dark skinned, a black bra under a white shirt is better... it's practically invisible. A white bra on dark skin under a white shirt looks really bad. Otherwise, it's a spot on list!